Rosemary is a wonderful herb. If you haven't tried fresh dried rosemary or fresh rosemary in your cooking and baking, then you are really missing out. Not only is it a flavor enhancer like no other, it is a brain booster and memory aid, a disease preventative, and good for hair. Its botanical name means 'dew of the sea' which is likely because of it being a native Mediterranean plant.
Here is a great simple dish using that wonderful herb ~ Tuscan Garlic Rosemary Chicken. Additionally, I like to use a little fresh oregano. Take a whole chicken and massage with olive oil. Lay in a black cast iron skillet, season with sea salt (following your dietary allowance), fresh crushed garlic as much as you like, and then top with fresh or dried rosemary and oregano.
Put to the oven uncovered for 60 mins. on F375. I have an old 1963 Caloric so I have to watch it closely.

As a general rule, calculate a cooking time of 20 minutes per pound of
meat plus an additional 10 - 20 minutes at a temperature of 375ºF
Therefore, a 5 lb chicken will need to be roasting in the oven for at
least 1h 50 mins. A 5 lb bird will serve between 4 - 5 people. Some people prefer to set the oven temperature to 450ºF (230ºC) and
roast the bird at this high temperature for the first 10 - 15 minutes or
the last 10 - 15 minutes. The rest of the time the chicken should be
roasted at 375ºF (190ºC).
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